My little one does this- and out of his nose too! Midwife said the milk does not go all the way down, then just comes up as nothing to stop it. She used far more in-depth and detailed explanation than this, talking about development of valves or something but this is what I took from it. She said quite normal and as long as he’s happy and gaining wait it will be fine. She also said to slow down his feeding (as he’s a bit of a guzzler) to give the milk a chance to get where it’s going!
Thanks guys @Sarah @Carolyn
My little one had a day like this on Monday passed over 48hrs thankfully also no temp a little more sleepy than her usual self. I just let baby lead and fed when she wanted. She was very cuddly and sickly all day. She suffers really bad with reflux too hope little one feels better soon x