Ebf clusterfeeding

My little guy is 3 weeks old and I'm ebf, at least once a day I will feed him until he's done (15- sometimes 30 minutes) on one side, burp him change diaper then offer him other breast, normally not as long on second boob but at least some time in the day he will feed, get burped and everything, signal that he's full and then he's hungry again and rinse repeat and this goes on for 2 or 3 hours 🙃 anyone else's baby do this? Am I doing something wrong? I hear him swallowing, he's pooping ALOT and I know I have a good supply. I just feel like I'm not doing something right /:
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currently in the same boat and i feel like my nipples are suffering🥲

Sounds like a bf baby! They eat often, it just goes right through them since it’s so easy to digest. As long as baby seems content after feeds, has plenty of wet/dirty diapers and is growing, you’re doing great! It’s just life right now, and honestly will stay that way throughout the first year. Nursing sessions will get shorter as they become more efficient and they might get more spaced out between, but from my experience you’ll always nurse more often than if your baby was bottle fed because they just love the comfort of being with mom.

@Justine thank you so much ❤️ that made me feel so much better ❤️

Bf babies tend to eat every 2-3 hours for a while.

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