Potty training

Sorry for another potty training post but I was wondering if anyone’s little one has told them they want to use the toilet and has actually been ready? My little boy tells me when he needs a wee or poo but when we tried introducing a potty/toilet seat he couldn’t let it go and would get to the point of being so desperate he’d cry. Today he said he needed a poo and wanted to go on the toilet and was then hysterical when he went in his nappy and I had to change him. I took him to the toilet after and he kept telling me “big wee wee” “big poo poo” and was smiling and laughing but obviously he’d just been so didn’t actually do anything. Do I take this as a sign he’s ready?
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My daughter has been using the potty since 18 months, but nursery have advised us it’s time to actually do pottery training x

My little girl will sit on the potty for ages and tell me ‘ it’s not coming’ she’s yet to manage a wee or poo on it so I don’t think she is ready yet. She doesn’t get upset about it, just asks for a nappy on when she’s had enough of sitting there

Mine has been regularly asking to use the toilet but not doing anything on it and just going through the motions like a game. Recently we've made a little bit of progress and she's done some wees, and a lot of farts 😅. But for poos she looks uncomfortable and sometimes strains but usually after trying she'll ask for a nappy and does her poo in there. I'm currently just going with the flow 😅 but I've ordered some knickers and will try them out when they arrive. Anything involving the toilet is practice and getting her used to it, I think.

Thank you for sharing ladies - it’s good to know other people’s experience with it! I’ve let him go with no nappy today and he did his first wee on the toilet!!

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