Runny/watery poo

My lo is 6 weeks old and formula fed. For the last week he's had watery poos but he only goes every 2-3 days (normal apart from the first week for us) is it anything to worry about? He is also bringing up milk after every feed and during. Unsure if it's something to speak to my midwife about on Monday when I go and see her?
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Definitely speak to your midwife whenever you have any concerns, they will be best placed to give advice. I did have something similar though myself, same age and also bottle fed, I think perhaps the reasons for the diarrhoea was because I wasn’t cleaning the bottles properly And then my partner wasn’t mixing the formula thoroughly, so we think that’s what caused the tummy troubles. My Health Visitor also said this could be just a bug she caught, doesn’t necessarily have to be the bottles, but once we started thoroughly cleaning the bottles and mixing the formula correctly, her tummy troubles did improve.

My girl has been the same except she goes once a day. Super watery, comes out the nappy etc. my growth visitor said it’s worth speaking to GP about at her 8 week check up next week so will do that. She said they may also want to send a sample off to be tested as by now they would expect it to firm up a bit more into a paste

What formula are you using?

I’m using Aptamil (I know you are asking OP but I’m curious to know if it’s same as us). Considering changing but worried it may make things worse. Speaking to GP next week

@Jess I’ve been using Kendamil with my little boy and his poo’s have been watery, HV told me to put carobel in his formula to thicken it up a bit as he was guzzling his bottles and then it changed to proper sour smelling dihorrea and he’s been so uncomfortable. Now came off the carobel and put a slower flow teat on his bottle but failing that we’ll be changing formula.

Thank you! It could possibly be a bug, my toddler brings all the germs home but is never ill himself 😒 we're on aptamil, was on kendamil but due to the shortages I couldn't get any milk so found a more reliable one😀 @Megan I found kendamil can make their poos watery/soft my first was awful with it, my HV and midwife said its a 'kendapoo' quite common apparently especially in the newborn stage as its made from whole milk x

Glad to know this! If I change formula from aptamil, I won’t go near Kendamil then!

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