Don’t let her sleep more then 2 hours during the day or else won’t be tired for bedtime
Mine started waking up multiple times at night at 4.5 months. Before he would only feed once and then all of a sudden he added another feed and then another. We stopped feeding every time he would wake up because we figured out that he is just nursing because he likes to not because he was hungry. But at first I was like omg the baby is hungry and I would give him boob every time. We are down to two feeds at night now. I am hoping I can start weaning him to one a night. But he wakes up at such random times!! Try opening up wake windows during the day. Transition to 3 naps and make sure the longest wake window is before bed 2.5 hours at least.
My baby is the same ! I think it’s teething that’s bothering my little one, maybe that’s the case for you too ?