Think it depends on each hospital. My fiancé was allowed to stay the whole time, but not because it was a c section, just for all of the fathers in general were allowed
They are allowed to stay all day and can sleep there in the evening. My hospital allowed 2 visitors during the day (more in the visiting hours) and just one over night! Good luck x
Hi, my husband came in first thing with me while we waited for a time. We didn’t go down until 2pm and he stayed with me until about 10pm(visiting finished at 8 but we seemed to go unnoticed). But he was then allowed in at 10am until 8pm. We were in for 3 days and he came in earlier some days and they let him on the ward with no issues(especially when we were running out of milk as we had Kendamil and they didn’t have a supply of that in our hospital). But some hospitals will let partners stay over night, all depends where you go and who’s working! Good luck❤️
My partner was allowed to stay the whole duration of me being in hospital it was amazing!
The hospital i stayed in my husband was able to stay with me and baby the whole time we were thwre
My husband was with me from when we arrived at 7am in the morning of the c section but then he had to leave at 9pm and wasn’t allowed back until 9am the next morning
My partner was allowed to stay as long as I wanted him there x
Some hospitals let them stay overnight and some don’t, you need to check with your specific hospital. My first was born during Covid and dads were only allowed to stay for 2 hours after birth and had 2 hour visiting time slots during the day. My second was born at 1pm and dad went home at 7.30 to help with our eldest (visiting ended at 8pm anyway and partners were not allowed to stay overnight) he came back at 8am the following morning and stayed until we were discharged at around 4pm.
My mum stayed with me every night I was there which was 4 in total x
In our hospital if you're on a ward they can stay til 9pm but if you have a c section you're priority for a room anyway so if you get one they're allowing stay over. Will vary in different hospitals though. I had my baby via c section 4pm was out by 8pm next day x
my husband stayed with me the whole time.
So jealous of these replies! My partner had to leave when I was taken up to the ward and only allowed in visiting hours 8am-5pm. I gave birth at 2:35am and he had to go home at 5am just to come back a few hours later. It was awful for him (and me as I had to rely on the midwives a lot especially only hours after surgery!).
Both times my partner has stayed overnight with me x
I had my baby by emergency c section at Pembry in August and my husband was allowed to stay. I was also allowed to go home the next day as I had no issues x
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Trusted by 5M+ women
My partner was able to stay overnight, he never left the hospital until we got discharged.
My husband was allowed to stay with me until the point I got moved to a ward for the night then went home the next day x
Was allowed the whole time there- my hospital had a one person allowed type of thing and I could have someone visit during the visiting hours which was a two hour slot during the day . I know during Covid it was a bit different . I would double check with your hospital .
It varies from trust to trust, sometimes partners can stay over night others they have to leave once visiting ends for the day. Check with your midwife what the rules are for the hospital you’re booked in at x