First ultrasound

When is everyone’s first ultrasound? My first doctors appointment/ultrasound is at 9 weeks + 5 days. Just seems so far. I’m dying to know if baby is okay!
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I had my first at 6 weeks and have to wait until the 20th to see little Nugget at my 11 week mark. Currently at 9 weeks 4 days now.

Had mine at 7wk2days. Got another one scheduled for the 24th of January.

I got my first @ 7 weeks 5 days With my first pregnancy 7weeks 3 days with this one. Next ultrasound is @ 11 weeks and 3 days

I had mine at my first appointment at 6 weeks and am having a follow up in 2 weeks at 8

My first appt is next Thursday and I don’t know how far along I am, so we shall see 🤷🏽‍♀️

Mine is at 10 weeks 2 days. I am DYING for this appointment! I wish I could've gotten a sooner one!

I've had 2 because of 3 previous early miscarriages and they'll do them monthly. I can't decide if I'm lucky or stressing my baby 😅

Jan 20 at 8 weeks 5 days

i just had mine at 10weeks!

I had mine at 8 weeks, but turned out I was 8w5d instead!

I had mine this past Monday at 9+2! It felt like forever! Now it feels like a lifetime knowing I won't have another until the end of March

My hospital network ob has my very first appt by phone at 8w and first ultrasound at 9w 😩 this all won't be true until im a quarter of the way thru my pregnancy 🥲

I just got mine done at 9 weeks! It felt so far away but hang in there!! You got this!!

Mine was at 8 weeks…it was nerve wrecking but was totally worth the wait

Coming back to say, I feel like I'm having the hardest time believing I'm pregnant before I have my first appointment! My symptoms aren't very bad yet and overall I just feel pretty normal! 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I went to the emergency room last week for bleeding an they did a ultrasound told me how far a long i was went to my first appt Monday that jus pass My doctor jus accepted the pictures she seen i my chart from the ER so i won’t go again until the screen for the Nt an that’s February 19th

@Sage same, Im like I saw you on a screen, a blood test and a pee test but like are yiu for real real there lol. 😂 My only symptom so far is that Im tired ALLLLL THEEE TIMEEEE.

@Stephanie I'm glad it's not just me 😂 I'm literally sitting here considering going to the ER for no reason other than to see this baby on screen 💀🤪 I've had a little nausea in the mornings, and I've been tired and my boobs are growing lol. And I've had light cramping off and on. I feel like my symptoms are getting better than they were last week though! I know I should be happy about that but I'm just finding more reasons to doubt lol!

If you have insurance that will cover it Id do it just to get the pregnancy viability checked.

Look for a pregnancy clinic near you! My insurance is being dumb rn so I went to a clinic at 6 weeks and it was completely free

@Sage ERs where I am won’t show you the baby, they will do the ultrasound but keep the screen away from you the whole time. They said it’s to prevent people coming when they have no issues

@Ciara Wow, that's messy😂 I mean I get it, but wow. Honestly I just want to get confirmation that I'm actively pregnant! And there's a heartbeat! But I'll look at pregnancy clinics like Cat suggested.

@Sage i went cause i was bleeding i thought i was having a miscarriage the ER won’t give Yu pictures tho they did let me see the baby an the heart beat

I had one done at 5 weeks 5 days because I was bleeding and then I had another one done at 7 weeks 5 days to check on everything. I’m not sure when I’ll get another one. I’m gonna try to get another one at 12 weeks to check to make sure my bleed is healed completely.

My first appt is at 10 weeks and a couple days I’m dying to get my first ultrasound and make it real! I just want to my bean

Mine was cancelled because of the snow in tx! So now it’s not until next Thursday and I’ll be over 10 weeks. It’s hard to believe there’s actually anything in there!

Had my first at 7+3 on December 18th and my next is scheduled for this Wednesday the 15th and ill be 11+4 😭 my ob does them every visit she said it’s her favorite part about her job and wants moms to have a sense of relief when they go in

Had my first at 8 weeks 6 days.

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