
My little girl was born 34+4 she’s now 8 weeks old (nearly 2 weeks corrected) she still sleeps majority of the day and is still only going 3-4 hours between feeds including throughout the night is this normal because she was born early? We’ve started to get longer wake windows in the day but not huge amounts maybe 30-90 minutes. I’ve spoke to some mums who’s little ones are going 5-6 hours during the night between feeds but they were full term feel like she should be going longer she takes 5oz on each feed.
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My daughter was 27+3 and started off feeding every 3 hours, as she got a bit older (from about 2 months corrected) she extended to 4-5 hours and then gradually all night as she got older. In the hospital she was fed every 4 hours and went to every 3 the first few weeks at home. Every baby is different and you will learn your baby’s needs - with preemies it’s important not to compare to full term babies and just learn and cater to their patterns and development. Trust your instincts and trust that your baby will let you know when she’s hungry!

Her sleep patterns, milestones, everything will be more in line with her corrected or adjusted age. Just because she was born early doesn’t mean her body and nervous system were ready and will be that of a newborn right away. My son (30+2) is 10.5 months old, he’s ahead in a lot of things, but very much still 8 months old developmentally in other things. It’s something you’ll constantly have to remind yourself of when you get worried. And usually right about that time, they start doing the thing you were all worried about 😂 Welcome to preemie life.. it’s a wild ride

Completely normal. My little boy was born 34 weeks and we were feeding 3-4 hourly even through the night until around 4-5 months corrected. I think a lot of it is down to weight gain too, our little boy was small and really needed the calories. He let us know when he was ready to start sleeping longer stretches

Some babies wake every 3-4 hours for feeds for months and months. Each baby is different. At 2 weeks old, sleep cycle is non existent (I know she’s 8 weeks old but you in terms of development and milestones go by 2 weeks) and this is totally normal baby behaviour. My 10 week old still doesn’t stay awake for more than an hour or so

My 34+6 babe slept for 16-18hours a day probably until she was 4, maybe 5 months old! It was only then she started to follow age appropriate wake windows etc. she’s one in two weeks and she still loves her sleep. 12 hours overnight and 1-2 hours of naps in the day. I think sleep is when they are catching up with everything! Sleep is so transient regardless of whether your baby was premature… and sometimes it’s recommended for those regular feeds so their blood sugars don’t drop too much overnight! Enjoy the nighttime cuddles - they don’t last for long xx

TOTALLY NORMAL! My daughter was born at 32 weeks and is now 11 months (9 months corrected) and it walking and doing sign language but is only 15lbs and still eating every 3-4 hours during the day and night

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