I feel like my partner have a low sex drive than me.

We used to be more physical before but I’ve noticed that his sex drive has reduced alot. It’s always me initiating sex or even talking about sex. I am the one always making sex jokes and flirting. He would never turn me down and always replies to the jokes and the flirting but he would never start a conversation or initiate anything. I even tested it out. I went an entire month without talking about sex or touching him or anything and he was completely normal. He didn’t even notice it. For example: every time he is changing his clothes, i look at him (EVERY TIME). And he tries to cover himself up so i can’t see anything. And it’s kinda like a thing we do for fun. So i stopped doing that to see if he would notice a difference but no he didn’t care one bit. If i try to tell him this he gets a little depressed like im attacking his manhood or something. We only have sex like once a month and even then if i don’t initiate it, he could go on for longer. Either he doesn’t find me attractive anymore or maybe his hormones aren’t working properly. Or maybe he is watching porn and getting satisfied by it. I got nothing against the porn. Heck, i watch it too to get me through the month. But i wish we would have more sex. I have too big of an ego to tell him this straight to his face. I feel like if i have to ask for sex, it’s not sexy. Like it’s a major turn down for me if i have to ask for sex. I donno… any ideas ladies? Any medication i can ask him to take to increase sex drive?
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Please don't ask them to take medication to help their drive until you know more about why it's happening. There's clearly an issue you're not seeing going on inside themselves, and they might not feel safe to explore why that might be. Communicating healthy, where you listen to their emotions, and not let yours take over to give them the space they need to be vulnerable with you, is more sexy than any intimacy I've had. It's a part of any strong relationship. Ask yourself what needs aren't being met realistically and you'll find your answers, even if they're uncomfortable to look at.

I agree with Zoe, I could never imagine asking my partner to take medication when he doesn’t suffer with any medical problem. Some people naturally have lower libidos than others, my partner definitely isn’t as bothered about sex either. I don’t know how old your child/ren are as anonymous, but it’s extremely difficult to even think about or make time for intimacy with a new baby, especially when they’re sleeping in the same bedroom as you. Go easy on your partner, try to have an open honest discussion but don’t let your feelings take over… be patient and listen, he could be feeling burnt out etc , there’s clearly something more than just “he doesn’t want to have sex with me” …

Thanks so much everyone. I’m someone who doesn’t have much patience so tend to jump to conclusions. Our baby is 8 months and sleeping in our bedroom so it is very difficult to make time for us. But i think i expect him to make a move or take action like arrange a sitter and take me out to a hotel room or something or even if not sex, atleast a spontaneous make out session. These are the things i expect. But i think i am not understanding his side of things. Thank you for reminding me to do that ❤️

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