
Hi, Baby is 1 and he doesn’t clap or point. He’s taken plenty of steps and is getting pretty confident with just standing up and walking on his own for a little. He’s been crawling since 7/8 months hand eye coordination is pretty good. But no clapping or pointing, is this ok?
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They are all different! Mine claps and points but doesnt walk yet and she didnt crawl til 10 months!

They’re all so different! My lg will wave, point and say various things but won’t clap or crawl! We can’t even get her to weight bear 😂

Mine claps, doesn’t point and isn’t taking steps yet unassisted. They’re all so different! ☺️

I sound silly but have you tried clapping with him? I realised when my baby didn't wave uts because I'd never showed him how, then I started doing it all the time and he's got it. All babies so different!

@Jen awww yeah we have he’s just not in to it. I’m fine about it the health visitor just wasn’t too impressed when he couldn’t do it at 10 months and she rang to review this week and he still can’t

Babies eh! 😊 mine claps, waves, been walking since 9 months etc but can’t/wont POINT 😅 We’ve been singing and doing the actions to “wind the bobbin up” since she was three months! But nope not interested. She understands when you point and can follow with her eyes, but she just won’t do it herself.

My baby is the same and doesn't seem interested at all

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