I had one several years ago and it was really straightforward surgery, in and out in a day. I found the worst part of the pain afterwards was actually the gas pain you get in your shoulder/back. Peppermint tea really helps with this so stock up on that before you have your surgery :) otherwise the recovery wasn’t bad at all. I had a lot of bruising but a few days of rest and taking it really easy and I was back to doing normal things after a week or so. I can’t say for certain if it was the laparoscopy that helped but I did go on to have two babies in ‘22 and ‘24. I had my laparoscopy in 2018 and had a mirena coil from 2018-2021 to keep the endometriosis at bay after the surgery and before TTC. Good luck!
I never actually tried for children before my laparoscopy as luck would have it but we’ve been incredibly lucky in that we’ve conceived quite easily so I assume it did something that it should. Unfortunately it has come back and I was having investigations into the extent of it when I found out I was pregnant again but as far as I remember (because it was more than a decade ago) it was all fairly straight forward. It left me with a couple of small scars and a few days taking it easy afterwards but like someone else said I was in and out the same day.
I’ve had 2. First one was with a regular OB/Gyn and honestly, for me it was a waste of time and money. It helped little bit with cramps, but I had lots of other pain and symptoms that it didn’t even touch. I found an endo specialist through Nancy’s Nook on Facebook, and had excision surgery with him. The results were honestly life-changing. Instead of only looking in the pelvic cavity, he found and completely removed through excision all of my endo lesions throughout all my abdomen, including a ton the first guy missed. Immediate and complete reduction of all pain, bloating, fatigue and heavy bleeding. I did still need a little help to get pregnant (Femara, low dose of thyroid meds, and IUI was what finally worked after 4+ years of infertility). I had this surgery in 2017, and to this day I’m symptom-free. Recovery from both was fine. The first night is rough, but as long as you stay up on the pain meds & follow your Dr’s recommendations you’ll be back on your feet pretty quick.
I’ve had 8 laparoscopies for endo which led to me having a total hysterectomy two months ago due to the laps not helping x
I had an endo laparoscopy for stage 3 endo, I accidentally fell pregnant 3 weeks later and now 23 weeks pregnant with my little girl after recurrent loss for 4 years. Recovery was fine for me, just pain which is expected but definitely make sure your healthcare provider gives you something more than just ibruprofen, I was back to driving 3 weeks post surgery and slowly the pain and bruising eased off, you’ll be more than okay xxx
I had a lap in November and having another this month! Recovery was 2 weeks. Went better than I expected
Hey babe ive had one and also a presacral neurectomy! Hit me up!