I used SMA with my first and cow and gate with my second. Youngest is 18months and doesn't have any formula
I used cow and gate as that ended up being her first feed with a ready made bottle and it agreed with her so when breastfeeding didn’t work out we just kept going with it. Had it up til just after her first birthday.
I used Cow & Gate until she turned 12 months then onto cows milk. Will probably be using C&G for my second also.
I used kendamil but haven’t had formula/ or bottles of milk since 12 Months
@Bec congrats on the second!
We were on pepti stuff but before then tried Kendamil. Chose that because of its ingredients and where it’s sourced. Seemed like a better company
We used kendamil comfort until 12 months old then straight to cow's milk x
After i stopped Breastfeeding we used kendamil. i chose it because it was the only Vegetarian option as the rest contain fish. We stopped Formula at age one and moved onto Cows milk.
Cow and gate with all 4 of my children but my now 19 month old isn't on formula xx