Arguing when having a baby

How is everyone dealing with arguing now that baby is here ? We had an argument with my husband and we did not talk for three days which saddened me… I realized that I have never seen ma parents not talking to each other or having a fight in front of us. I would like to change the way we do, so I’m planning on having a conversation with husband. But was wondering what everyone do. Were you able to find something that you think is good for your baby ? Thank you
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Recognise that both of you are sleep deprived, exhausted, anxious, and trying your best. Apologise when you’re wrong. Accept that this first year is likely to be really tough but that you can get through it if you work together.

Of course, we both recognize these things, it’s just we still have our egos and despite apologizing it does not always work. I was just wondering if others have been thinking on the long term about arguments effets on the baby !

Growing up my parents would argue with each other, throw hissy fits over silly things and walk away either to another room or for a walk outside to get a break and cool off. So to me it is normal and it actually gave me an understanding that not everyday will be a sunshine movie love kind of day. My theory is it’s ok and healthy to argue but it’s important to be able to make up afterwards and not leave it unresolved. This is something me and my other half have worked on as we are both very stubborn and in the early days it nearly broke us but 10 years later we are still crazy in love and laugh at some of the most bizarre fights we have had. I really hope my daughter is lucky enough to find someone to challenge her and help her grow and she finds the same 🥰

Prime example I always remember is my parents arguing whilst making coffees, my dad asking my mum if it was PMS and her pouring his coffee down the drain saying I’ll show you PMS and then trying to take a smug victory swig of her coffee and burning her mouth that she dropped her coffee and they both started laughing so hard my mum nearly wet herself 🤣

@Liza thank you for sharing, I really appreciate. It does make sense what you are saying. As I have never seen my parents fighting, I have always thought that fighting is not ok. I’m still working on accepting that conflicts are ok and not necessary unhealthy. Thanks again 😊

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