My two year-old son just got diagnosed with autism a week ago. It's normal to have feelings like this, but it doesn't change who your daughter is and she's still the same girl before and after the diagnosis. Even if you don't think you can do this you will be able to, I promise you! She was made for you mama. And she's perfect either way. ❤️
Does she understand when you talk to her (even if she can’t communicate back yet)? What other signs are you seeing?
Hey there, momma with a nonverbal 5 years old. First and foremost, even with autism, many people with autism can go on to live very normal, very successful lives. Nonspeaking is not the same as no understanding and there are ways around it. My son uses sign language, an AAC board, and attends speech therapy. Some will eventually speak, and some don't and that's still okay. I remember getting our diagnosis and thinking 'oh sh*t what now?!?' but honestly, I wouldn't change him for the world. As far as what to do, first and foremost take this time to get educated. That's not as an insult, mind you, that's as a way to really open your eyes to the reality. As far as what to do, watch for idiosyncrasies, you'll know what certain things mean as time goes on. But don't dwell on it, she is not autism, she is a person who may be autistic. If you ever need to talk, or have questions, my inbox is open. I know it's scary, but you got this.
Thank you all ladies for being so nice Is nice to know I can vent how I feel My daughter isnt making alot of diferent sounds. When we call her most of the time she wouldnt look at us. I sit with her lets put this here she will just turn and do something else or if i ask her bring me book shell just look at me or go and do something else Desperately wanting developmental therapist to see her soon To get her help asap I been looking online to see what I can do to help for now Again thank you all💕
Even if she has autism, it’s gonna be okay. My daughter has it, we got our first clue at 11 months old and confirmation at 2 years, and while she’s not verbal she is highly communicative, has a great sense of humor and makes friends with other kids easily. Please message me if you want to be friends, I know it’s hard, and having people who know what you’re going through can help.