Would this irritate you?

My mom lives with us (me, my husband and two kids). Whenever I get my toddler girl up and dancing, my mom will pull out her camera to record. Today, we were dancing in the living room, my mom walked in (her room is on the first floor), realized she forgot her phone, ran back to her room to grab it, and came back out expecting my daughter to continue to perform. By then, my daughter had stopped dancing. My mom kept encouraging her to dance. I think it’s annoying because she is always doing that which makes me not want to be free in my own house. Boundaries don’t work because she’s elderly with many health issues, traumatized and has borderline and covert narcissistic tendencies. I have tried MANY times to set boundaries with her.
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Yes, that would annoy me. I get wanting to have videos/pictures here and there of kids/grandkids doing cute things...but it doesn't need to happen every single time. I've said more than once that if I were to implement a "no pictures/videos" rule for my daughter, we'd probably never see my in-laws again. 😅

It would annoy me, but I would also a little bit enjoy her disappointment if my kids stopped dancing, so overall, it would be a wash.

I feel like the only boundaries you can set with a narcissistic person is to not have them in your space for prolonged periods of time really!!! (I know it’s easier said than done!) they will never listen otherwise.

I would be annoyed, but also keep upholding the boundaries. Your mom, like any toddler, is allowed to push boundaries and you're allowed to continue to enforce them regardless of her feelings about the boundaries.

I think older people didn't have the capability of recording moments like that with previous technology. They try to capture moments of their grandchildren since it's so easy now. It doesn't bother me when my mom does this because it brings her joy. I also have a great relationship with my mom so that may make a difference?

If anything god forbid ever happened to your daughter or you those “irritating videos” would be so precious. I love it when people take candid videos. Pick your battles - but sounds like there are many issues you have with her

That's why I don't recommend living with in-laws lol Either ignore it and teach your daughter to say no politely, or have her live elsewhere

Telling or asking her not to do it is obviously being ignored. Can you get to the bottom of why that is? Try to find out why she continues when you've asked her not to. And what can you do to actually enforce the boundary?

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