@Zoey thanks zoe for ur reply ...Dr said its superficial burn so may be there is no scaring...do u know about it please
There's a few factors that could effect weather it scars or not, like healing, did it get infected ect, but that doesn't look infected to me, another is healing time, typically if it heals within 2 weeks it shouldn't leave a scar, anything over 3 weeks will mostly leave a scar
Okay thank u zoe .. your words give relief to me
U can Put a thin layer of vaseline on the burn. You can also use a product with petroleum jelly in it, put on a gauze dressing pad, Wrap the burn loosely with a sterile, non stick gauze to protect it from pressure and rubbing. Change the dressing once a day
@Zoey but currently doctors said that put olive oil in this open wound and they dressed her dressing in 3 4 days and she also has this on chest side and they dressed only 2times there in one week. Now our next appointment is tomorrow..they haven't discussed about vaseline or petroleum jelly yet
Yeah Olive oil is fine it will do the same as the vaseline
Looks like it's healing to me, They typically heal within 7 to 21 days. After healing, the burned area may permanently become a different colour than your natural skin tone. This skin change may fade over time though.