Why is she fighting sleep at 5 months

Look my lo has always been fussy but I got into abit of a routine of how to make her fall asleep, time wise it’s always been after 12am that’s when she fully sleeps and ofc wakes for feeds 2/3hours. Now that she’s hit 5 months she’s just fighting her sleep, she’s literally wanting to play or whinging cos she doesn’t wanna sleep and every time I try settle her she fusses, I’ve tried rocking her patting her, putting her in her crib, singing, you name it! Why is this happening at 5 months? Anyone with similar experiences?
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Did she have a 4-month sleep regression? If not she might be having a late regression, it can happen.

No she didn’t, also she had her second immunisation last week ( pretty late cos gp just took their time) anyway, does that have an affect or? But honestly good point I didn’t think of that, it’s bloody awful because I am so so tired and I just want to sleep 😵

Yea its hard when your so tired. It can have a part to play into it, it depends what she is normally like with her immunisations tbf. But yea I think its safe to assume it's a late sleep regression. Babies just learning new things and growing up abit more😊

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