@Tagmayne he turned 4m on the first. He was born 5lbs 6oz and at his 4m appt he was 13lbs 11oz.
That might be a little low that early on. My kiddo was the same, had a great appetite for solids at 4 months, but was still drinking about a litre a day at that point. Might be good to discuss with your dr
Have you been advised to start solids early. If you haven’t I wouldn’t have started till six months. I started at 17 weeks as dietician and doctors advised due to her CMPA and her weight always fluctuating we’ve not stayed on a steady percentile line since birth. Also at that age the little pouches should be lasting a good 36 hours minimum. Milk should still be there main source off food at that age. So if he’s dropping his milk and you’ve not been told to give him food I would stop with the food and give him more milk. That’s where he gets all the goodness.
@Paige I was told by his doctor to start . They are wanting him to gain more weight. He was born 5lbs 6oz he’s now 13pds 11oz. He look very chunky though . I make 4oz at a time. He will finish it in about 2 days, sometimes 3 . She did say he can each as much as he wants though. Me and his dad were very big foodies as a baby , the same thing happened with us.
Well if the dietician is okay with it then why you writing on here.
@Paige it’s not about him starting purées it’s about him being on purées for a while, and now all of a sudden his milk intake is dropping.
That's super normal. As long as they're still getting a proper amount (I don't know what age he is so idk how appropriate that amount is) and gaining weight properly it's fine. Probably good to check in with your doctor and make sure that's appropriate for his age and weight etc, but I wouldn't be too worried.