
I am going through it! Toddler and infant both sick, now husband and I are too. I've been the one to get up for the kids 95% of the time. I am over this! Thankfully they have stopped puking, and their fevers have all broken and they are on the mend. But I need sleep and baby won't stop crying! I have to be up for work in 6.5 hours. Every time I put her down it starts up again. All I want to do is slam my head into a wall. I have pictured worse stuff when I am stressed out. I don't actually want to do that, and I understand that postpartum can get the better of us sometimes. But it scares me that I picture this stuff.
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Just sleep holding her in your arms. My mom did that with me and my bro when we were babies. At least both of you can sleep peacefully. Sleep sitting on the recliner or sofa holding the baby. I hope you are sleeping by now. Sweet dreams. I can’t even sleep

Take the day off of work and sleep in! Or take the kids wherever they were going to go and take a nap. I know, as a mom, it feels like your sick days are only for the kids' doctors' appointments and sick days, but they are for you too. You are physically and mentally unwell. Take a day (or two!) to get back on your feet. Even if you are out of sick days and it eats into your planned vacation, even if it's unpaid, it's worth it. You need the time to recover. You can go back when you don't feel like death warmed over. You can even take a quick peek at your email after your nap. Work will still be there tomorrow... waiting. Sometimes, there are times when I know I should take off work, but it helps to hear someone else say it. So....take a day off!

Deff don’t do anything let husband take over. U need a break asap

Yeah you def need sleep and a belly full of a good meal. This would be one of those times where a sick day and a babysitter for a few hours may become a necessary expense 🫶🏼 Husbands are the best but they can be soooo worthless when they’re sick 😤 But I’ve learned that it’s partly bc they don’t instinctually know what the kids need I think? Like when I told him *exactly* what I needed, he was like “Ohh of course. I can do that.” 🤦🏽‍♀️ I specifically asked my husband to - sleep in toddlers room to more easily wake when she does - clean toddler messes - administer her medicine Basically he was on toddler duty and I was on baby. Basically anything he think he needs for himself, tell him to give to toddler as well.

@Kitty really good advice to sleep when babies sleep but falling asleep with a baby on a sofa or recliner is actually really dangerous. I’m all for cosleeping (I do it myself) but it must be done safely, following Safe Sleep 7 rules, on a safe, prepared bed (flat, firm, no pillows or duvets, or anywhere baby can get trapped etc)

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