I had to do the injections for 6 weeks and was told to keep the socks on but removed the socks at 2 weeks as I was up and about. What is it about them thats making you so anxious? X
I had to do injections the whole of my pregnancy and six weeks after birth too. I couldn’t physically inject myself and asked if a nurse could come but got the same response that they only come to housebound people. At first I got my dad and partner to do it but once they went back to work I some how had to work up the courage. What gave me the will power to do it is I was already pregnant and didn’t want to risk mine or my babies life but the first time is the hardest and then you do get used to doing it. Could you try going back to the hospital and getting a nurse to watch you do it for the first time?
I had to do injections, too. A couple of things ask your neighbours if they are willing to do it for you as you can easily direct them if you feel comfortable. In the meantime time ask your GP about high dose aspirin as it's also a blood thinner
I had a forceps birth and 2nd degree tear but I was given injections only for 8 daysish and I also lost a lot of blood too! It’s not a nice thing to inject yourself but it does get easier. Hope you’re okay! X
I'd talk to your doctor about the anxiety it's giving you. There is a blood thinner pill you can take as an alternative. It's just not commonly given as the injection is prefered
Maybe try and think about is as saving your life? You don't want to get a blood clot and die don't you(sorry if it sounded harsh). I had to do mine myself as well. I was very anxious but then after the first one it was so easy and I was very proud of myself. Do it for the baby! x
I had to do mine after c-section as well. I guess it helps that I’ve done them before as I am a community nurse. You could try and ask GP if you can book in with the practice nurse daily to do the first few? It’ll get so annoying going there every day that you will end up wanting to do it yourself at home in 2 minutes rather than wasting time going to the practice. I hope this helps.
Hi all. I have had a rough day but we have managed to have a midwife round to train my husband on how to do the injection, he generally is not able to do needles at all but seeing me so upset he said he would try it and he did it. So now he will do it each day, and I’m thankful we’ve found a solution !
Hey so I also had to do the injections for 6 weeks, and it absolutely does suck. I don't know if there is any alternative but I can promise the first time is the hardest. After 3-4 it was annoying but easy. Could you try going to the pregnancy assessment to have them hold your hand through doing it yourself?