@Justina I've read a lot about coconut oil as well. Did you just leave it to soak in? Did you comb it or brush it out?
@Chloe we left it in for a bit and brush it and it literally fell out. Don’t pull it though let it fall of naturally
I used to just rub baby oil into it then use a comb to get it out, took 2/3 days to completely go as I didn’t want to hurt baby’s head x
Use Mustela cradle cap cream and follow the instructions. We also used detinox, Frida brush and coconut oil after to moisturise, but the mustela cream is what made the difference
I used the child’s farm coconut oil I just rubbed it in and left it a while then combed through her hair and it just fell out I did it a couple days in a row and it completely went x
@Chloe I used Colief Baby Oil and left it for a bit then combed it; used every other time we bathed LO.
Thanks ladies xx
Coconut oil was my holy grail. Dentinox shampoo to wash and kokoso brand olive oil