The same thing happened to my baby but it was because he was on kendamil infant formula (pink tin) there was some changes to the formula/how it was being made and the new tins didn’t take to well on baby his oz dropped and were all over the place and started spitting up
My mother in general said to me In general it could happen because babies have growth spurts and they take exactly however much they need - she says if I was breastfeeding I would never fully know how many oz he would be having at a time anyways 🤣 as long as you are feeding on demand and maintaining a consistent routing around them like bath times, time you turn off the lights for bed time, open curtains in the morning etc for them to still differentiate the day/night etc x
Also it’s natural for baby’s to spit up in general, a little is absolutely normal however if you are worried a few people have said that getting probiotics has really helped silent reflux - I am currently just trying it on my baby because I am also unsure x
Following this as my baby is exactly the same, has been on 5oz for weeks and weeks, but in the last couple he has been all over the place - a 5, then a 3, then another 5, then a 4 and it’s stressing me out so much! If you speak to your doctor, could you do an update? I don’t have mine until next week, but will see if the HV has any idea too!
@Scarlet 🤍 of course! I’ll let you know what they say!
I always fed my bottle fed babies on demand the same as a bf baby. I do wonder why we are all so obsessed with schedules. Both for feeding and sleeping. Babies are perfectly good at babying . We should leave them to it
@Alana I think it’s because hospitals and midwives drill it into us. I was poorly after birth and they were constantly telling me every 2-3 hours for a feed and they would ask me every time they did my observations how often he was feeding and how much he was drinking. He is fed mostly on demand as the four hour schedule is what he was naturally doing so that’s when I prep his bottles unless he wants it sooner.
Oh, and to add, my baby has dropped a centile, and is now gaining perfectly along that line. I was told HV don't worry unless they go below the 0.4th centile, or cross over 2 centile lines x
@Charlotte I just mean in general. Wr are all so focused on schedules and moniterjng and timing and it causes us so much stress ! Much easier to fo with the flow x
I completely agree with the whole schedule obsession, and like you said, if you breastfeed you have absolutely no idea how much they are actually getting so why are we so obsessed with a bottle! It’s so hard to change your thought process with it though!
Babies go through periods of growth spurts where they feed more and then it goes back to their usual pattern so it could be that