Any mum’s with more than 1 baby?

This is about sleep. I am so tired of researching about how to improve my baby’s sleep. I am tired of trying so many things and them not working due to sleep regressions, milestones, teething etc. I am tired of stressing out about this whole thing. Someone who’s had a baby before.. please tell me it will get better. Please tell me baby will sleep better when she is a year old so atleast i can look forward to it. My LO is 8.5 months and from 5 months onwards her sleep has been all over the place. What will happen if i just don’t try and change anything.? What will happen if i let baby sleep whenever and wherever she wants? Cot… in our bed… in my arms.. pram.. play pen…does it matter where she sleeps? Please tell me one day she will sleep through the night in her own bed. Please tell me one day i won’t have to break my back trying to rock her to sleep.. and when will this happen roughly? God i am just so tired of being tired 😔
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Best thing we ever did was not stick to sleep schedules/wake windows. Our 2yo & 8mo sleep when they want & for however long they want. 2yo has been sleeping through the night since he was between 6-8 months with the odd bad night due to illness, 8mo has been sleeping through since he was about 2 months old, again with the odd night due to illness. 2yo doesn’t really nap in the day but 8mo takes anywhere from 1-3 naps depending on how tired he is. I’m due my 3rd in May, hopefully that one also follows the same pattern. Everyone else I know tries to stick to nap times/wake windows & are stressed up to their eyeballs trying to make their kids sleep everyday. No thank you, the thought of scheduling sleep for children seems ridiculous to me & way more hassle than it needs to be. 2yo sleeps in his own single bed in the same room as us, 8mo sleeps in his cot but we have done co sleeping on & off with both since they were born, 2yo needed co sleep, 8mo prefers own space

Oof... It does get better. Eventually. My older one is almost 3.5 now. He's been sleeping on the floor since he was 8/9m old because he refused the crib but I didn't want him sleeping in our bed (fell off twice). At 19m, we moved into a bigger apartment and he slept in his own room even though we were ready to co sleep or have him be in our room. At close to three, he stopped asking for the 11pm bottle. We didn't have the choice of black out curtains or white noise machines. Our son sleeps through ANYTHING. Our daughter is a much lighter sleeper and requires me to nurse her to sleep. She went from sleeping 12 hours in her crib to cosleeping and waking up every 3/4 hours because of sickness, regressions and teething 🤦🏻‍♀️ Accept the tired. My son broke me in ways I didn't know I could break but I'm stronger now. You will be too. It's all a phase. Also make your partner do more.

Our aim is to move them both to the other bedroom & have them both sleeping just as well in there together as they do in our room. We’re planning on doing that in the next few months, ideally so they’re both in there & settled just before new baby is here. If it doesn’t work & they need longer in the room with us that’s fine, we’ll just keep trying on & off until they’re ready. Again I don’t understand why there’s such a push to get kids sleeping away from their parents asap, they’re little for such a short period of time & they need us for comfort in their own ways. Everything has become such a tick box exercise of what stage our kids should be rather than what stage our kids need to be right now. I think it’s best to let them develop at their own individual pace & stop forcing everything at what’s ‘ideal’ or ‘best’ or ‘average age’. There’s too much pressure on everything & it screws both the kid & parents up trying to keep up with what & where the ‘experts’ say they should be

All babies are different and it's SO normal for babies to wake in the night! My girl still does and she's almost 8 months! We don't have a sleep schedule, we just follow her tired ques. She naps in her pram, car her own cot and our bed 😅

Oh and yes I've had more than one baby, she's my 3rd

Thanks everyone. So good to hear positive stories. I just need someone to say to me “just power through.. there is no solution to this problem.. it will only get better with time” and i think i heard it from ya’ll. thanks again. So much respect for mums and sending loads of hugs ❤️

I have a 2.5 year old and honestly it will get better but when your baby is ready! I went through 2 years of of so much tears from the both of us trying to figure out how I could get him to sleep the night, we tried sleep training, different nap times, even went through the whole sleep consultant route as I was convinced I was doing something wrong but in all honesty it just turns out he was not ready yet. I hope for you its sooner but my 2.5 year old has started sleeping the night only from about 5 months ago but now its bliss! He is in bed from 6:30pm and doesn’t wake till about 8am (he has no naps anymore) I have a 8 month baby and lets say she wakes up multiple times throughout the night but I know one day she will sleep through so don’t put too much pressure on yourself xx

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