Don’t make any kind of permanent decision while you’re pregnant. If you really loved him before it could very likely be all of the hormones in your body
What is it that made you fall out of love with him?
I am recently going through the same thing. This is day 2 without him. I called my dad (he was willing to let me continue to be a stay at home mom and let me take my time to get myself back together) and he was more than willing to house me and baby. Once I had a plan started I told him exactly how I was feeling a didn’t sugar coat anything (it turned out he was way more understanding than I though he was going to be) and I packed up enough things for a weekish and left. Message me if you would like to talk. You aren’t alone❤️ this needs to be your selfish moment. Don’t worry about his feelings because your feelings are more important!
@Vonnah this is so true. I’m currently pregnant, and I’m feeling outta love with my boyfriend but I’m waiting how I feel after I had the baby and healed to see if it’s actually true THAT BEING SAID. If u are preggo, just wait it out. It’ll be hard but think about ur end goal ☺️
Don’t let him manipulate you with his emotions. Block him on everything and get outta there. I spent months with my crybaby ex trying to console him enough to leave for good, trying to “stay friends” to protect his mental health (he threatened to kill himself in front of me if I left) and it just made it worse for him in the long run. A clean break is better for everyone. He’ll get over it.
Don’t make any decisions while pregnant for sure your emotions are very high
you already told him once. move on and stop worrying about him. he will grieve the end of your relationship and beg and plead but stay solid and don’t cave in to his tactics. it may very well be false and just manipulative.