To cancel cycle or not

Just wondering what others would in this situation. Trying to conceive our second child (first was via IVF and is now 3). This is our third cycle. Had our day 10 scan and only have 2 follicles responding. I have a very very low AMH and am 40. Clinic have suggested going to egg collection but have left the decision up to us. This is likely to be our last cycle so a lot of pressure on it. Last cycle was better 5 eggs collected but 4 fertilised. 2 put back in but BFN and none to freeze. If we cancel we get some money back and would try again. While the clinic have said this response is in keeping with my numbers I can’t help but think we’ve done better before so it might be worth trying again.
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I think you have to go with your gut. Whenever I’m trying to make decisions I think ‘would I regret not doing this in the future’ and if the answer is yes then I go with it. It’s so hard but I guess you don’t ever want to be thinking ‘what if’ x

@Laura it’s so hard isn’t it? Especially when you’re sometimes going against what the doctors are saying. Thank you x

I agree with go with your gut! My only reservation would be that you’re unlikely to get many eggs on retrieval, so would cancelling and trying again another month be better? X

TW success I had my 5th egg collection last month, also have low amh. I only had 4 eggs responding despite being on a long protocol (which we were on to try and get more eggs but we ended up with even less!) there were talks about cancelling the round but we decided to continue and In the end I was stimming for 15 days! Ended up retrieving 6 eggs, 4 were mature and only 1 fertilised. I was distraught but that 1 ended up becoming a top grade blast and gave me a bfp 2 weeks ago. I always wonder what if I had cancelled this round and I’m so glad I didn’t. Like others have said, go with your gut. My gut was telling me to continue and in my case, it was all about quality over quantity x

I would cancel that cycle and save money for the next cycle , I had 12 egg collection , I totally regret proceeding with those with cycle with low follicle number , my math is whatever follicle divide it in half , then egg divid in half and then genetically normal embryo one/third , I’ve got 3 normal embryo between 12 cycle ,however I’m 42

@Gisele thanks for your reply. I think I’m leaning towards cancelling. Out of interest do you know what your AMH was?

My amh is low for my age , but they say amh is irrelevant , it’s mostly egg quality that matter

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