My first daughter was in her cot in our bedroom at 2 weeks old. She hated her moses basket so we tried it and she slept so much better x
We are going to try the cot in her own room in the next 2 weeks cause she's outgrown her next to me, 98th centile for height and weight. Health visitor said go for it even though she's not 6 months, monitor on and away we go, I'm nervous though 🙈🤣x
Moved my baby at 4 months and he was so ready he now moves all over and settles on his side xx
@Holly I’m to nervous about doing it to early and upsetting her sleep 😅 but I feel like she’s ready as she’s not settling as well as she used to in the next to me anymore and in her cot in her own room she settles her self for her naps from wide awake so think we’re gonna give it a go tonight and see what happen 🥹 x
My baby is 4.5 months old and last weekend we transitioned to the cot. He was outgrowing the next to me and wanting to stretch out with his arms 😂
We moved him into his own room at around 4.5 months and the big cot about a week later (put the moses basket in the cot initially to get him used to the room first)
Moved mine last night as done day naps in there and it was the best sleep I’ve had in a while!!!! X
@Nat that’s what I’m hoping for! Non of us sleep great as we all seem to wake each other up 😂 so hopefully she’ll sleep better without us waking her and vise versa x
@Tia honestly give it a try. I was so nervous and kept delaying it and now I wish hadn’t. I hadn’t realised how much we were waking him up as well. Also I was waking all the time at the slightest sound. Might be a coincidence but today he has fell asleep independently! X
@Nat she falls asleep amazing in there for naps she send herself off independently so I definitely think we’re gonna try it tonight when she goes down for bed in a bit and see how it goes x
@Tia good luck. Next move is getting the husband his own room and then sleep full bliss. 😂 x
We moved our little girl into her big cot when she was 3 months old. She has long legs and lives in there x
@Nat did your little one still wake for night feeds, I want to move my baby but I see it as pointless if he still wakes up during the night, unless I sleep train him to stop waking, any advice is appreciated 😆
About 3/4 months as he'd outgrown his crib. Loves his cot and sleeps great in there