Induction fail

Hello all, I am currently admitted for an induction and it's been almost 24 hours since they put the pessary in, but I feel that it completely failed as I don't feel any different. I also feel really judged by the staff given I'm in week 38, high risk, with GD and I chose to do the induction, and been seeing multiple staff rolling their eyes, so now I feel really attacked.. Is this how the horror stories start or is just a normal thing I'd expect in?
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When I had my induction, they said that most people usually need 2 pessaries (long process). The staff were lovely but the induction process wasn't the best for me!

I was same circs as you….. when it came to the vaginal examination after 24 hours I found it too painful down there and midwife was too rough trying to get to the cervix. So we didn’t know if my cervix had opened or not really. They just said they would out another pessary in and wait another 24 hours. But I ended really upset after the failed vaginal examination…. And just made the decision to opt for elected c section which they the next morning The antenatal room was full and so noisy I hadn’t slept the first night anyway with the first pessary in! I was impressed with the csection anyway and wish I’d opted for it to start with :) Good luck

Some staff are very judgemental and others are extremely kind unfortunately thats to be expected. I wS induce when I had my LO due to not feeling her move. I was induced over 2 days. Had the pessary which made me dilated 1cm, then had the gel shot inside which made me dilated and my waters bulge. They gave me a second shoot gel inside to move labour along as the labour ward was busy and they said id I was in labour they would have to put me there straight away rather than wait. Then 7am they took me to break my waters but had to have an emergency c section due to baby's heart rate. I am so sorry you feel judged some staff just don't care. I found 3 members of staff that I didn't feel judged by the whole time I was there. Good luck!! Hopefully things move along quickly for you x

This doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s failed, induction can be a really long process! You may not feel different - I didn’t after having my balloon in but it had dilated me enough for me to have my waters broken so just hang tight, as frustrating as it can be! Also, staff should not be making you feel judged. If you feel that staff aren’t being professional, I would mention to the midwife in charge.

If it's any consolation my labour started kicking in just after 24 hours. I didn't feel anything until then. I think I had one more pessaey and then when it started, the ball really started rolling. Didn't need waters broken or drip so it could be just around the corner! I'm sorry you feel attacked.

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