Our girl is forever learning something then soemthing else comes along and she doesn’t do that anymore. Like clapping was forgotten until recently. Personally I wouldn’t worry about it they’ve got so much going on. Sounds like he’s doing fab x
I think it’s fairly normal for children to have a temporary regression especially when they are learning big skills such walking,, my little one has never clapped but can wave and point (I was told by a paediatrician not to ask for a gesture more than 10 times daily because they get fed up) I wouldn’t worry over autism because a lack of gestures on there own aren’t enough to be a red flag as long as he’s responding to his name , giving eye contact Im sure he’s ok,, things with little ones can change so fast too just keeps modelling and im sure it will all come back , but if your really concerned reach out to your hv or gp xx
These comments have turned a very emotional evening into a much more relaxed one, thank you everyone ❤️
Oh god, literally same! I also googled yesterday and started freaking out. She used to be obsessed with clapping and waving and could do it on command (apart from just clapping and waving at everyone). She also knew words for dog, bunny and cat, and would say 'dog' every time she saw one since October (which was a lot!). Then suddenly, all of this stopped. No clapping, no waving, no words. She is on a brink of walking though, she took a small step yesterday, so I really hope it's that. I am especially sad about dogs because she was obsessed with them and now it's like she doesn't recognise them and it's scary. But googling it is so anxiety inducing, especially since it happened right after the jabs (I do not believe they cause autism, but it's hard not to think 'but what if it's all true' when it happens straight after).
@Nina yeah please don't Google. Google is awful for things like this. Idk about you but whenever I Google a symptom I have Google always tells me I have cancer so I take whatever it says medically with a grain of salt
I could have written this myself, it sounds totally normal. I think they learn skills then move on to the next and forget the old ones. I also believe they will only concentrate on their motor skills or their communication skills, not both at once. A lot of babies at our baby’s age can either walk or talk, rarely both. It’ll all catch up I’m sure 🙂
I’ve definitely stopped googling these days. I’d rather ask a question on peanut or NCT mum group than Google.
I think it's fairly normal. My son was obsessed with waving and then he learnt how to clap and now barely waves. I think when they're learning something new they prioritise that. It was like when he was younger and learnt how to blow raspberries then he learnt how to roll and barely blew raspberries until one day he woke up and did nothing but blow them all day lol. I'd definitely stay away from Google though, everything is going to tell you it's autism x