Engaged to a man who has kids from the past relationship

Okay ladies I kindly need your help! Me and my fiancé have been together for 3 years. He has 2 boys from his past relationship which I have known since we started dating. I am now 7 months pregnant with his third son and this is my first. Before getting pregnant I asked him if this is what he wants and he said yes. He proposed in May last year and i found out I was pregnant in July. His first boys live in Australia with their mom and my fiancé and I live in Germany. He talks to them and goes to visit them and comes back. But whenever he goes there to visit them, he comes back sad, doesn’t want to communicate or anything of that kind. So as we were talking last year I suggested that he invites his son here (Germany) and spends time with him before the baby comes—I suggested that because I felt he was never connected to our unborn child smh and I thought he would feel much better and be ready for our unborn child and that his older son gets to find out he is going to have a baby brother. So to say…one of his boys is autistic and that’s why he stayed with his momma. His son came and now he is here with us until end January..he travelled by himself but my fiancé will travel with him back so he can as well see his second son. My concern is—things haven’t been that great lately because whenever I see them together happy and all that..I say to myself WILL HE EVER LOVE OUR CHILD the way our child deserves or? I told him how I feel and he said once the baby is here everything will be alright:)🤷🏽‍♀️ I said yoooo you think? He said yes. Remember he still pays child support for them and all that which also makes me worry sometimes. Ofcourse I like the fact that he is there for them but God knows I worry about us a lot. Now, I keep going back and forth if I should go on and marry him or not! I love him he is a great daddy to his sons and a provider but I don’t know if I am crazy or overthinking. Please, feel free to comment.🫶🏽
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My partner has no kids and it was hard for him to connect with baby until she was born because he’s not able to feel the baby much it’s a much more abstract concept for them until the reality of the baby hits them. It’s possible he’s going through something similar.

That's totally normal to not be connected with the baby before he is born. I personally wasn't connected before he was born and I love him to bit now. Seeing him being a great dad for his older boys would actually reinsure me that he will most certainly will be too for your baby. 🤗

He sounds like a great dad, he's just sad that he is so far away from his sons, totally get that!

He sounds like a good dad so if I was you I wouldn't worry about that side of things, a good parent automatically loves all their children equally and it comes naturally and he seems to be showing you this through his parenting already. He could be sad for a mixture of reasons, being so far away from his boys and hardly seeing them, sad when the visits over, sad his away from yourself or you can't travel with him maybe? Sad because his worried what didn't work out before when having a family may happen again. I'd personally just be there for him and they and think positive. When you have had baby and ready maybe offer to go on one of these trips to visit too? What makes you worry and think that he won't love your child? Why are your worried he pays child support for them? How old are they ?

Well, to be honest once you have the baby your whole dynamic as a couple will change so if there’s no rush for the marriage, hold off and see what he treats you like once the baby is here

My partner seemed very obvious during my pregnancy, he has two children from a previous relationship, and I have one from a previous relationship, as soon as the baby came he was brilliant, they don't experience pregnancy the same way we do that connect is there when baby is a physical thing in their arms... That's how my partner explained it to me anyway, as I had similar worries, although his children aren't in different countries just different post codes x

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