Elective C Section

What were peoples reasons for an elective c section (with no medical reasoning)? I have an appointment to discuss an elective with the consultant and my only reason is anxiety and worried that won’t be enough.
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I’ve had 2 sections, my first one was because baby was breech and my second one was elective because I simply just wanted the section. I knew what to expect, and I wanted to be able to plan my childcare for my eldest. You don’t need a reason, you are allowed to choose.

Not sure if it’s your first so this may not help you but it’s my second so ive gone for an elective as opposed to a vbac which could end up in an emergency anyway. My first was an emergency c section and i hate my whole birthing experience for sooooo many reasons and would change many things if I could go back, it took me a long time to get over the trauma and feeling upset and let down and and and, so I guess my main reason is: at least this way I know. I’m as much in control of the outcome as I could be and that makes me accept it a lot more and feel confident going into my second birthing experience.

They can’t refuse you I have anxiety and medical anxiety so they will be doing a section

I simply didnt want to give birth naturally and to be fair they didnt really try to change my mind, I went in very head strong like I knew the risks it wasn’t the ‘easy way’ out like my midwife told me! I just didn’t want to not be in control of when i went into labour… My daughter must have known as she was breech anyway but they agreed for it prior to knowing she was breech

I have massive anxiety issues and not a single person thought I should attempt natural labour

I was terrified about natural delivery, my treshold for pain is quite low, besides I heard horror stories about induction and grade 4 tears during natural birth. Even if anxiety is your only reason remember it's your choice and they can't force you to deliver naturally! If where you chose to give birth they're trying to convince you otherwise be firm, stand by your choice. You can change hospitals also and change your mind before the elective c-section. PS: recovery is difficult you will need support at the beginning, Ihad 1.5 months help. Good luck😇

I have anxiety so had an elective c-section on my first and have said I want another one for this pregnancy

i dunno if no medical reasoning is my case. i’ve had 6 small bowel obstructions from an appendectomy on a burst septic gangrenous appendix… i already have a midline abdominal incision scar, but even so, there’s no way i would have a natural vaginal birth anyways. drug me up, cut me open, take the twins out. i love my little cute vagina, i don’t want stitches on my taint or arsehole.

I have anxiety so opted for an elective purely because I was scared of a natural birth/ the unknown. You don’t have to have a reason at all under the NICE guidelines, they may ask why but just say anxiety and that’ll be enough because they can’t refuse you. They will walk you through the whole procedure and the risks to ensure you’re educated and understand your decision but it’s completely your decision xx

I’m over 40 and in the UK they pretty much write off your ability to give birth without intervention and push you for early induction which can often lead to complications. I ended up with an unplanned c-section with my first because I found my labour so stressful not being left alone enough. I’ll probably go for c-section with this baby because I know I won’t do well with all the interference. It totally slowed my labour down last time.

Didn’t want to put myself or my baby through the trauma of induction again. Felt like it took me months to heal and my first baby was just never settled

I let my OB know that I did not consent to forceps or sectioning... They said it's like asking them to deliver my baby with one hand, so they suggested we proceed with csec... luckily we did csec because my daughter was breech, she turned in the last week.

It’s your legal right m, thankfully to decide how you want to give birth. A hard one choice. Had two electives, beyond wanting a birth that actually went to plan, with vaginally there is a huge element of chancing it, I wanted to avoid the following: ( this is someone else’s excellent list) Tearing Episiotomy Shoulder dystocia Distressed baby Forceps/vontouse Days in labour Incontinence issues Prolapse Further surgery if either of above happened. Retained placenta Haemorrhage from tearing Staffing issues PTSD/trauma from any pain/unplanned issues

@Lesley isn’t it just absolutely rubbbbbish how they do things here honestly feel so frustrated with the system and how so many women end up with emergency c sections unnecessarily due to all the sweeps / inductions / interference and excess monitoring in the end and scaring you into “needing” one when they’ve forced your body into a situation it wasn’t naturally ready for! Honestly infuriates me and most first time mums here are so ill informed x

I wanted one anyway due to anxiety about tearing and also x 2 of my brother in laws kids have cerebral palsy from lack of oxygen via natural births.. my older brother also didn’t survive a forceps birth. Luckily as have an IVF baby and am over 40 I am considered high risk anyway so I don’t need an excuse..

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@Tulin 100% this. Exactly the same reason I’m not even considering a VBAC this time around. After my emergent c-section trauma, I know if I tried for a VBAC and ended in a c-section it would be really bad for my mental health postpartum.

@Dawn honestly, as much as it heals me a tiny bit to know I am understood and not alone in feeling this way, it really breaks my heart even more that it happens this often. Wishing you the best of luck with your current pregnancy and elective 🫶🏻 I’m exactly 2 weeks away 😊 x

@Tulin It is very sad to realize how common it is. Wishing you all the best in your next birth, eeekkk, two weeks! You’ve got this! 🥰

Had two because I wanted them, that was my reason. Convinced even more that it was the right decision when my surgeon, my anaesthetist and midwife all said THEY chose electives for themselves too. Best decisions I made for myself and my health. Easy recoveries with both and no issues with healing. 4 weeks post 2nd section now and no complaints.

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