I use these ones for my little boy. It’s just 1 little drop and I put it onto the teat of the bottle and it’s tasteless as well. I tried so many more before finding this
My daughter refused her water when I put the wellbaby multivitamins in it. I was advised to put it in her food instead (as long as the food is cold, eg cold weetabix or cooled porridge). She takes it fine now
My LO did not like the wellbaby multivitamin too ,she couldn't eat or drink when I added it to her food or drink , we changed to natures Aid mini drops, and she doesn't even notice.
Thank you so much everyone for your replies! Xx
I've got one that looks like a calpol type bottle. Think it was from home bargains! He doesnt like the taste on it's own, but is OK when mixed in to food.