You might need to rejig her schedule of when she’s having her food so that she’s finishing her milk. She’s only 6 months as well, so definitely needs to be having a higher milk ratio to food. So offer milk first, and then offer food. My HV, said only at around 9/10 months do you start to offer food before milk so that when they hit 1 food takes over.
@Lauryn i started weaning early cos my little girl was always hungry having way more than the recommended amount of milk, but even when foods in sight she will just spit the bottle out, i did think about doing milk before dinner but just wasn’t 100% sure as i thought they were gradually supposed to wean themselves off the milk by eating the food first but in hindsight that doesn’t sound right😂xx
@Emma that does sound better tbh, going to start offering food after bottle from now on x
@Sophie I can see that you’ve said especially if there’s food around she doesn’t want a bottle. I would try and feed her milk where there’s no food association so that she is getting that milk. Does that make sense?
This sounds fine , she six months she’s just discovered food and the world is tasty. She’s not drinking her milk in the morning. Because because she’s full up from the rusk this is not a bad thing as she is slowly transitioning to solids at six months she should be having around three bottles of milk a day if you like you can split this up to 6 half bottles The best way to tell if your baby is getting enough to eat is by weighing them also although Milk is a babies first food by six months some babies stop drinking milk the milk is not important at the age however the calcium is and that can be caught up with yoghurts, cheese in potato’s porridge with milk milky drinks and so on my little boy Riley, who is now 18 years old stop drinking milk altogether at eight months, my daughter Ali, who is now 20 never drunk more than 5 ouncesat any one time, and I just made up for their calcium intake
it sounds like you’re over feeding her. i would cut out one of the meals, offer her bottle before food and cut down the portions of food. 2-3oz of food is all they need at this age, and most of her nutrients still come from milk at this age
@Ki over the 2 meals i give her no more than 2-3oz. i also give her 3-4 bottles a day one with breakfast one at lunch one with dinner and sometimes one before bed. wouldn’t say that’s over feeding as i thought i was under feeding her the other day as 3 bottles isn’t enough
@Ki i give her half an ella’s kitchen pouch for dinner and one rusk with like half a small pouch of fruit puree for breakfast
update just gave her her bottle before dinner expecting her to have her bottle and then not want any food but she decided to drink 6oz AND eat all her dinner😂 clearly she prefers her milk first 😅
@Sophie so happy for you! Looks like that’s the way to go x
They need to be having milk before the food to try and encourage the intake. She needs to be having around 28oz of milk a day apparently although my girl isn’t even weaning yet and doesn’t have that much 😂