Is it just me or is my ex being cringy and possesive?!

A few weeks ago I made a comment to my ex that every time I have my period now since giving birth I get really horrible labia pain. I said it felt similar to after birth when I had tore and needed stitches. Said this was never the case before birth but I also noticed I was never checked to see if my stitches and wound was healed or healing right. (It’s been 19 months now so for sure healed!) Anyways with a smirk on her face she asked if I wanted her to look! Unamused I’m like.. “at what?!” She proceeds to tell me that she can see if it healed correctly! I told her if I get anyone to look it will be a professional that knows what they’re looking for! Shocked she was like “oh so you rather have someone else check than me!” So I told her yes, because it’s weird and unnecessary! She then grabs me demanding to know how it’s weird, holds he close while I’m fighting to get away and proceeds to remind me how she has been inside me, how she use to fuck me! All sorts! I break away from her telling her I don’t care it’s not happening and I walked away! This incident keeps playing over in my head now and I’m thinking, wow she really thinks she owns me, like I’m her possession and that she will always get what she wants! When I broke up with her she was pissed that she never got to have sex with me after birth to “see how it feels!” And I’m like 😳😐 I’m not alone right? She is acting possesive and
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Your ex sounds like a bit of nut nut most of the time to me. This sounded straight up nutty too. Hope you're OK xxx

Every post about your ex highlights that she’s batshit and possessive. I hope one day you get some closure from her cause she’s not healthy xx

I've just seen and commented on another post of yours, in that post you mention her narcissism and the fact that she feels like she has the same access to you as before, with that - The last thing I'd be doing is talking about my labia pain with this person, especially with them being an ex, at some level you yourself are keeping that door open for her to be involved in your life and not just co-parent. Set boundaries with yourself and her and set them now. You can co-parent without involving her in your personal life. I couldn't imagine mentioning labia pain to my ex/BD especially in the circumstances you've mentioned.

As above. Keep your coparenting talks to her only involving your baby and nothing else- no personal info from here on out. This….can be avoided if you only talk to her what’s necessary and that’s important things she needs to know about the baby only.

The only reason I mentioned it to her is because she kept commenting on what was wrong with me, why I wouldn’t sit still or sit in general and I kept saying nothing more than once before I eventually mentioned it but I knew I shouldn’t have as soon as I did and trust me I regretted it as soon as I did. It was really stupid of me and I shouldn’t have as I literally haven’t mentioned anything like this the whole time now so I for sure should have just continued on but stupidly didn’t. I didn’t however think she would come out and actually mention and show me just how much she felt she still has some sort of right to me. She keeps acting like she doesn’t know or see what’s she is doing wrong and at every turn tells me how dramatic or drastic I’m being and I think what makes it worse is that our relationship was so dead that the way we are now almost feels exactly the same as before minus some changes🤦🏽‍♀️

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