How do you NO ROUTINE mums do it?!

I have severe OCD which means my life is an entire routine (no I don't enjoy this nor can I switch off!). But this has also impacted my kids- even though they have followed routine there has been times where they havnt and I feel BROKEN, riddled over anxiety and dreading the worst when it happens. I was diagnosed at 6, tried everything going and nothing has worked. I just want to stay up with my babies, watch a film and allow them to tell me when they are tired. But our routine is 6pm bedtime- and anything due over makes me think the world is going to end. I'm more than aware that this is going to impact my children as they get older and I've tried endlessly. How do you get over it? How do you just let them take the league. Thanks
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Ugh I have OCD. I was just telling my therapist I feel like I’ve trained my husband and my kid to follow my obsessive schedule . I wish I had an answer. I envy those moms who can just put their baby to sleep “when they’re tired.” It’s hell. It was so bad during my pregnancy and postpartum. I hope someone has some advice. I see two therapists a week and a psychiatrist

@Jess thank you for commenting, it actually breaks me so much when even the simple thing of not getting my baby to sleep because it's my routine. It really isn't fair- it's the pure horrific anxiety of thinking something awful is going to happen. I wouldn't be surprised if you have these feelings? I'm envy of mums that just wing it infact. I find motherhood so stressful because I can not just switch off from the routine

I relate 100%. Currently he’s not eating a lot and I’m obsessing over it and I just cry at mealtime

I used to struggle massively as a child with OCD. I have no advice for you unfortunately as everyone is very different in what tools/therapies can be used help. However, on the no routine thing, my son sleeps longer and better at night from just going with his natural flow. I had about 1/2 weeks where I felt like a terrible mum (everyone putting their babies to bed at 6/7 and mine wasn’t until 8/9/10) and so I tried to encourage strict routine and earlier bed. It massively disturbed his sleep and he was up frequently in the night (previously a great sleeper) I think all babies are different and some get on well with routine, some do better without. xxx

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