I have been experiencing the same over the last few weeks, especially in the evenings. I spoke to my midwife about it today and she said is normal as long as there isn’t any pain and just feels uncomfortable. Obviously good you mentioned it and keep an eye on it. I’m 25 weeks. Xx
Hey. How many weeks are you? I had Braxton hicks with my little boy and was told that if they were hit and miss and there was no pattern then to not be too concerned. I only got them when I was 36+ weeks so I wasn’t too concerned. They were uncomfortable but not “pain” - now I know what labour is like, they were a 4/10 discomfort. Sporadic & not intense all the time, or every day even. X
Thank you! This is reassuring 💕 I’m 27 weeks currently. They aren’t painful just v uncomfortable, especially when walking/ moving around, and they don’t happen regularly just a few times in the last week and a couple of times before Christmas. So definitely sporadic.
@Lucy definitely keep an eye on them and your baby’s movements. Once you have noticed a pattern for baby this shouldn’t really change (so I was told by my midwife). If baby is moving ok, you feel ok in yourself otherwise and you aren’t suffering with any bleeding or anything like that, then it’s probably just one of those things that you’re getting them earlier. They shouldn’t take your breath away or necessarily stop you doing everyday activities and they should settle if you rest 😊 xx
I’m 27 weeks tomorrow and I’ve been getting them since about 18 weeks - they’re supposedly very common and normal in the second and third trimester. As others have said, so long as there’s no pain they’re totally harmless and just your body’s way of practicing :)
I have recently too, I think as I’ve been more active as just been to Paris and done lots of walking. I’ve spent the day resting and drinking loads of water and they’ve massively died down. It’s horrible isn’t it as even though they’re painless and we’re told it’s normal, it’s still scary!
Do you have any pain or just tightness?