We've been having a sleep regression as well. Two days of the past 3 she's been up anywhere between 12-2am and will be awake for 1.5-2 hours. We at first thought it was too cold for her but after last night we now know it's a sleep regression. We just plan to sleep train it out again like we did last time.
It could be that she’s over tired . Once they get into a cycle of being overtired it’s harder for them to fall asleep because their adrenaline kicks in. It may seem like they have too much energy but actually it’s the adrenaline so doing more stuff might make it worse . Our sleep consultant said that the regressions shouldn’t lasts more than a couple of days at this age and if they do it must be something else like overtiredness. Our consultant suggested we move our bedtime to earlier by 1.5 hours from 7:30 to 6, now our son sleeps through the entire night and has no problems going to sleep. It takes about 4-5 days to see if a new bedtime works better . So you could try moving the bedtime to earlier depending when your daughter wakes up from her last nap. At 20 months her second wake window should be about 4.5-6 hours
What‘s her nap time schedule? Does she fall asleep on her own? Sounds like she’s too excited with what she’s learning so it interferes with her sleep. From what I read general advice is consistent schedule and sleep routine, no screen time at least an hour before bed (if she has any), and teaching them to fall asleep on their own (if that’s not the case yet).
@Amber, yes, I think we just have to train it out and take the Ms. Rachel doll at bedtime.
@Elena, yes, I plan to start bedtime earlier now. This has only been going on for a couple of days, but thanks for this advice.
@Chelsea hey Chelsea! Lol, yeah, I will definitely be trying that as well.
@Lana she naps around 1-230 or 2-30, depending on what we have going on. Yes, she is. It was just so abrupt of a change because she's always been a great sleeper even as a newborn.
lol my daughter was up for half an hour singing jingle bells and e I e I oooooo. I just let her be and she fell asleep. If she is happy I wouldn’t go in, she will fall asleep when she’s ready. I saw this tik tok once about a family always putting their (elder) kids to bed at 7ish but if they weren’t ready to sleep they were allowed to read books etc. same principle here. She’s in bed. You have your unwind time and she’s happy. As for the night, can you just turn the sound off the monitor? Started doing this because we can hear her if she cries/screams from across the hall but she doesn’t wake us up with any singing lol
Arrrgghhhh my son has been a nightmare all wk! Bedtime is now a two hour battle and I can hear him yelling go go go from his room 🙈😆 Then he’s up for ages in the night and repeatedly stirring!!! He’s defo hit the terrible twos and is really awful in the day screeching and having tantrums! My 3 month old has become super jumpy because of him bless her 🙈
Sounds like a possible sleep regression. Try getting her to chase you around the house or have a dance party before bed time to get her energy out. Hope this passes soon and is back to normal sleep