Infacol drop

Hi, I’m using this drop for my son based on the recommendation of his midwife. However, after using it, he experiences a brief but very intense pain. Has anyone had a similar experience? If so, what did you do? I currently don’t have access to his midwife and don’t know what to do.
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Hi, he shouldn’t be feeling that way taking infacol, my little one had colic for a while when she was born, I used infacol and she woukd still cry due to the pain/discomfort she was feeling in her stomach but it wasn’t because of infacol ( it shouldn’t be the case). Have you tried dentinox? Also have you tried knee pushing exercises or pedal exercises with baby? That somewhat helped release gas. I really hope that’s help. Also let baby lay on your chest that way pressure is on their belly which can give them relief.

@Naailah Thank you for your message and advice! I’ve noticed that my son seems calmer when I don’t use Infacol compared to when I do. Before trying the drops, I used to give him massages, which weren’t perfect but did help improve his discomfort to some extent. When it comes to lying on his back or tummy, I’ve observed that when I use the drops, he can’t tolerate lying on his tummy at all, especially during painful moments. To ease his pain, I have to walk around while holding him. I haven’t tried Dentinox yet, but I appreciate the suggestion and will look into it!

Could be a bit of reflux , infacol has orange flavouring that’s acidicy so could be irritating his oesophagus maybe? The Dentinox doesn’t have any flavouring I would say swap over to that ! Hope it helps xx

@Jenny maybe. Thank you

@Hoda defo try the dentinox and just continue with the massaging, i promise you it will get better because my daughter was like that for months, id have to do massages and the leg exercises. Have you tried gripe water? If your baby is over a month old you can, I do think gripe water is quite strong, works well but at the same time when giving it to baby I’d say don’t just squirt it down their throat but on the sides of their cheek, ( not sure if that makes sense) only saying this because whenever I gave it to my daughter it was a little overwhelming, and she was sortve shocked so I would lean her forward and pat her back after each dose, it’s 5ml but I’d give 1/2ml at a time… hopefully you won’t go through all of that and your little one will drink eat easily. I hope your little one is okay and you are doing well x

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