don’t judge just need somebody to vent to

idrk how to start this but i’m a first time mom i’m 21 weeks pregnant as of today i deal with depression and anxiety but my bf which is my baby daddy it seems like he’s always mad at me or something i do like for example if i talk about our baby shower to somebody else he gets mad but when i try to talk about it with him he either shuts me down or it just seems like he doesn’t want to talk about it and it’s with any baby talk that he’s like that which hurts my feelings and it makes me feel some type of way and these last couple months i’ve been really stressed because i don’t have any thing for my baby and it’s stressing me out because i’m the type of person that likes to be prepared about stuff but i don’t have anything for him and i just been really emotional but i can’t control it like i can’t i’ll just burst out crying for no reason or something and i can’t work because one the area i’m in and there’s literally nothing out here and i don’t have transportation but this is the longest i haven’t had a job and i think that’s another thing that’s stressing me out cause i don’t do anything but stay in the room all day because we live with his mom and his siblings and it’s a full house so i just stay in the room and we’re both 18 but i’ve been looking for a place to go and we was supposed to have our place this month but literally nothing that i’ve had planned has happened and it’s stressing me out so bad but it’s like to him i’m over reacting or i’m doing to much and i just don’t know what to do i’m so drained and empty i’m emotional and i feel alone and i’m sorry that this is all over the place it’s just so much going on that i don’t know how to deal with i don’t have any body to talk to so i’m just here bottling everything up and getting stressed over it
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Hey girly! Firstly, I just wanna say I’m sorry you’re going through so much especially while pregnant. It should be a happy/exciting time for you. I think your feelings are valid and you are definitely not tripping. Sounds to me your bd is in the wrong. He isn’t supporting you during this time and isn’t communicating with you. I think you need to try and have a serious conversation with him about your feelings, and getting things ready for the baby. Is his family supportive? Do you have family support on your side of the family? It seems like you really need a support system right now since your bd is neglecting you emotionally. I know y’all are young too but he definitely needs to be stepping up and getting things ready for baby.

i’ve tried to talk to him about but then he gets mad at me for expressing how i feel so i just shut down and his family there supportive of him but not me and my family doesn’t talk to me at all so i’m literally alone in this

I am sorry that you are going through this and you are not alone. Please know that these days will pass and you will feel better I promise. To get through this hard time, I think it is really important to find some support, this could be someone you trust you can talk to over the phone or come take you outside etc., any family member or older person who can listen to you or support you emotionally? Also, please try to get psychological help. Pregnancy is hard itself and there is so much going on both in your body and mind, I believe you can definitely feel better and more supported if you get these. About baby stuff, I know it feels overwhelming that there is so much to buy and be prepared for but trust me all that sweet baby needs is that you are well, healthy and happy. Try to focus on this, the rest will get better in time.

Hey girl message me or text me 314-728-4086, you can talk to me fs and I promise to do my best to give you best advice and be there for you bc I totally understand and know how hard and confusing this journey may be for you, especially with all the emotions you’re having and etc. just know you’re not alone and it’s always good to vent and open up because you never know who may have experienced the same situation as you that can help. Keep your head up baby and you can always message me on here or shoot me a text :) 🩷

@Tavia💫🍃🧘🏾‍♀️😍 can i text you on here he checks my phone daily

Yes love.

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