Definitely ask your midwife to check you over, hopefully that will give you some peace of mind. X
i got checked today and the stitches are all healing perfectly she said it might just be the friction from the pads as its still so sensitive or from the walks and told me to make sure i do pelvic floor exercises as that can contribute too! pain killers and icing it will still be the way forward cant wait for it to die downn!!
Hey, I’m in a similar boat, gave birth on the 5th. Have you had anyone. Heck them for you at home visits? It’s worth an ask. By all means you can use a mirror to look but it’s probably still a bit swollen. I’m limited on advice tbh as just trying to get through it myself, keep yourself topped up on painkillers, small steps and be careful how you sit down is how I’ve been living 😂