Dont worry at all you can encourage it at 37 weeks and you might be able to harvest some. Its not indication on how much milk you’ll produce when baby is here 🥰
I asked my midwife about this and they said if it comes it comes but don’t encourage it before 36/37 weeks because the stimulation can bring on labour! I’ve not had colostrum come in yet but I have had dry yellow specs on my nipples when I take my bra off, so I think it’s on its way. It’s completely normal to not have it yet and it doesn’t mean you won’t get your milk x
@Katie wouldn’t it stimulate labour after 37 weeks too?
@Incognito yes, but 37 weeks is full term so I think it’s considered less of a problem haha x
@Shaelyn @Kirsty @Katie thank you guys, I feel alot better now after hearing all these. I just got abit worried as it hasn’t come in yet & im thinking what if it doesn’t come when I go hospital & have to result in giving formula straight away. Thank you ladies again!
@Katie 37 weeks is full term according to them but don’t forget they add 2 weeks to your pregnancy. If you know when you conceived then you only count 38 weeks forward instead of 40.
@Incognito advice might be a little different for me as I’m pregnant with twins who will be born at 37w, so I’ve only been told to harvest from 36. But from what I’ve seen everywhere and been told 37w is generally considered full term or at least no longer premature, so potentially stimulating labour before that point is more dangerous as baby is less developed and that’s why midwives won’t address it before 36/37w. You can choose not to do it just in case and wait until 39 or 40w, but my point is that harvesting before 36w and potentially bringing on labour then is more risky than doing it at 37 (or later) when baby would no longer be considered premature if born as a result x
I never leaked throughout my last, and really had to try hard expressing it from 37 weeks. I had no issues breastfeeding, milk wise :) xxx
@Haley this is good to know coz honestly I’ve been worrying about it as I really wanna breastfeed this baby, I didn’t have the urge to want to breastfeed with my first, maybe coz it was new & the idea scared me but I really want to give this baby a chance at it
i’m 32 weeks and i’ve literally had nothing up until yesterday the teeniest tiniest bit of it c