Does anyone have any experience of not getting a let down in a feed? I’ll randomly feel it throughout the day but not when he’s feeding. It’s meaning he isn’t getting enough milk even though I’ve worked hard to build my supply and the milk is there 😪
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What makes you think he’s not getting enough? You don’t have to feel a let down during feeds. As long as he’s getting what he needs , it should be good. Personally I felt let downs in the beginning but after a while no. Most of the times when I felt them was when I wasn’t feeding as well. But baby fed well

I didn’t always feel my letdowns, some people don’t feel them at all. It’s not necessarily an indication baby isn’t getting enough. Is baby getting plenty of wet nappies, pooping normally? Gaining weight ect.

@✨Wis 🇭🇹 slow weight gain, below 0.4 centile now and have looked at every possible area we need to look at. Tongue tie snipped, cranial therapy, feeding help. An IBCLC has assessed a feed and he doesn’t swallow often at all. Just endless sucking and minimal swallowing 😔

Did the IBCLC give you any tips to get baby to swallow? Help you with increasing your supply?

@Charlotte no we’re experiencing a lot of issues with feeding and it’s sort of coming down to this really. I’ve had a lot of stress and big things happen in the past few months and I think it’s all affecting my hormones etc 😓

@✨Wis 🇭🇹 yes hand compressions through feeds but they don’t always work for me. I currently pump 3 or more times a day to keep my supply up

How’s your sleep, diet and water intake, I think if you have to supplement also, don’t feel bad about it you know. Sometimes things don’t go as planned

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