I have the mirena coil and I love it. No cramps, no bleeding, forgot I was even meant to have periods tbh 😅 I suffer with endometriosis so this was recommended for me & it's been a life saver
I have the implant and was also on it for 6+ years before baby. I don’t feel it effects my hormones too much, this time around I still get my period every month but before I had baby I never had a period. I prefer the implant as I’m quite forgetful can’t trust myself to take a pill everyday, once it’s in you don’t have to think about it for 3 years x
I have a Jaydess coil and it's worked well other then the cramping I get around when my period would be. That being said I have no bleeding after it's settled down (about a month). I personally have bleed too regular as in more then once a month on every pill I have been on. I also don't think the coil affected my fertility like the pill can.