@Georgina i think i’ve been having them also, i’m just really unsure if it’s that or just him moving and causing pressure! I don’t have one set midwife, do you think I should call the triage line tomorrow and see what they think? I’ve avoided calling them my whole pregnancy because I’ve heard that they are really unhelpful and rude 🙄
I think this is normal as I get braxon hicks worse at night when I collect colostrum. It can bring on labour which is why it isn’t recommend before 37 weeks but if you’re full term then this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, for me anyway I’m doing everything get baby out as hoping to avoid an induction 🫣 if you’re worried definitely ring triage/midwife to double check I’ve found them absolutely lovely and understanding whenever I’ve been in contact - think it’s just a few that can be rude xxx
@Chloe I wanna carry on for the same reason! Get the baby out! 😂 im gonna brave it and give them a call tomorrow I think just to double check. I called the birth centre the other day and the woman there was so rude to me so I’m not looking forward to calling triage!
@Gina yeah feels as though baby too comfy in there need get some pressure on the eviction 🤣🤞🏼 even if they’re rude kill them with kindness you’ll get your answer - best of luck! Xxx
@Chloe I feel like I’m too sensitive cos of the hormones 🤣 but you’re right! Thank you xx
Braxton hicks are totally normal - I had them almost all through the night the other night and then a lot of cramping the next day, called the maternity unit who were really reassuring and said it’s normal at this stage. She said you were having regular tightening that were painful enough to breath through and happening multiple times in a 5-10 minute period then that would be different but braxton hicks and period type cramps do happen towards the end
I would get your midwife's thoughts on it personally. But Braxton hicks are quite common anyway! I've been having them for a good 10+ weeks :)