
We have noticed delays and "errors" in our sons behavior and development since around age 1. I believe he was 15 months when he started to walk. Then we noticed he wasn't focusing on things correctly when walking, running playing... he was bumping into things, missing stairs, etc. So we took him to eye doc.. strabismus and bad eye sight... like worse than mine and my husbands. We've watched as he plays and gains "obsessions" with certain toys, for context: i bought him the peppa pig stuffed animals, all 4. For like 3 months he would mot go anywhere with out ALL 4... he's also showing very dramatic, unnecessary tantrums. Like he will go from 0-100 in .2 seconds, screaming, banging head on floor, crying uncontrollably. And when he's upset I can NOT get him under control, like there is literally nothing I can do, he just has to cry it out... Our pediatrician referred us to a neurologist... we have seen 2 because the first wasn't covered by our insurance. But neither one gave a diagnosis, both want a brain MRI, and suggested all 3 types of therapy.. why won't they diagnose him?? Why do we need a brain scan?? Need some answers i don't know what to do anymore!!
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Hey love! I wish you the best in this journey ahead of you and that you do get the answers soon! But as for the diagnosis, my son was born with seizures and they didn’t know why UNTIL they did the brain scan and found out that way. So that’s probably why!

Hey! My son started showing signs of delays and being non verbal around 1.5 years old. He’s turning three this year and just now getting diagnosed in February. He presents this issue too like running into walls when he’s play or bumping into stuff. His eyesight is great. At first, his pediatrician wanted a scan done on his head worried that something was wrong due to his head size and also referred him to a neurologist soon after when he starts showing other signs autism. We saw two different neurologist that day, one wanted to refer him to be seen and get a diagnosis to see if he was on the spectrum because she felt that he was showing early signs. While the second neurologist (her partner) came in claiming nothing was wrong with his head and he doubted he’s autistic even had the gonads to ask us why we were there and that he’ll do one more scan but we didn’t need to come back. We never heard anything and just switched docs. My son continues showing more signs as he gets older.

He does physical, speech, and occupational therapy as we wait for February for the exam. My son also looks a bit bolegged in his left leg causing balance issues. One of the first things the therapist pointed out was his left leg, It is barely noticeable but there especially when he runs. My advice is maybe to switch doctors if you feel he is not getting the care he needs and to keep pushing for answers.

Hi Jordan, If you're talking about Hunter, they don't really want to diagnose anything before the age of 5. The best you'll get from a paediatrician is delayed development at his age. From my experience. I could be wrong. However I went through the same thing with my now 8 year old. He was finally diagnosed ASD Level 2 at 7 and 3/4 years old.

My suggestion would be to try to get into your county's early start program. We did this with my daughter when she was about 18 months old and just received her ASD diagnosis right before her third birthday. The route to getting a diagnosis is a long one, so getting him into any services that would benefit him is going to start him on the right foot! Good luck. 🩷

Same my daughter also goes to a neurologist it’s because they offer genetic testing which can give you answers like some genes are related to autism etc. They can even let you know what to expect in the future for the diagnosis just in case your not seeing all the symptoms now. I hope this helps in the mean time for a better answer for autism because it’s not always genetic I suggest reaching out to the pediatrician and asking for an autism Refferal. Along with the lady mentioning above reach out to head start and if he isn’t old enough reach out to early interventions near you. They can start special services and an iep which can qualify him for SSI. As far as the therapy my daughter recieves 4 they don’t “fix” the problems but teach them to be more manageable or at least that’s the goal. They are working on a diagnosis sounds like it may look like they aren’t but I promise you they are. Maybe ask questions to the neurologist like why do we need this test? That’s what I do lol

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