Starting pouches

My little one is nearly 6 months and im going to start weaning soon. I was wondering how people do it. Im a first time mum and have no clue whats the best way. Do you give a bit of a pouch before a bottle? Instead of a bottle? Im not sure whats best to do. I know you have to use the same flavour so you can watch for a reaction. But any help is greatly appreciated.
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I've been told feed them bottle first so they've actually been fed first so u don't worry if they're eating enough. For a few weeks babies r basically just using food for sensory use more then actual substance. Once they actually learn to swallow food and stiff and actually start taking it in that's when you can start giving them meals x

Hey :) make sure you give bubba all their usual bottles as the food is only for them to explore and play with :) start off with just one teaspoon per day for the first week, you can free the rest of the pouch perhaps? Try to start with veggies in the first week. Then fruit the next xx

Food first. Also personally I’d skip pouches and purées and do BLW. Solid Starts app is a good one. Obviously it’s up to you but we found it made life so much easier and he’s the best eater now. Will eat almost anything x

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