We tapered down. Dropped all day feeds and replaced with “snacks and cuddles.” Got down to one feed and that was right before we went to bed but I would do it on the couch in the living room and make sure he didn’t fall asleep because we needed to break the sleep association. Middle of the night, I would offer sips of my water instead, rub his back, pat his butt. He would cry for a little bit, but I would comfort him through it and we got past it. I’d say it took about 3 weeks or so before he wasn’t asking for it at all anymore. Definitely a process! Good luck mama!🫶🏼
Hi! I'm a breastfeeding counselor. Cold turkey really isn't recommended. Nor are any of the other things you've tried tbh! Tapering off/ cutting one feed at a time for 2 or 3 days is the kindest and generally most successful way to wean. If there's a co parent that can step in for comfort that can help. But holding boundaries, being understanding of feelings and providing comfort in other ways are key. Some mothers have success with a count down method, so you make the feeds shorter by counting to 50/20/10 etc. or constantly distract with snacks & activities. Another thing some people find helps is to not say no, but instead put it off a little. Say "yes, after mummy has made dinner/folded the washing/been for a wee" etc and keep adding things until they either forget or you've managed to skip feed.
I was using cold turkey method, and to be honest I thought it will be much harder then it was. My daughter was a big breast addict, and I offered her a breast every time I needed to rest , because otherwise she would not let me...every time I went on the bed or even to sit down on the sofa she was next to me , pulling my t-shirt up...I wanted to stop for a while but it was hard to put her for a sleeping without breast , so we decided when my partner will be off, he will put her for a sleeping and i will be in another room...at night time when she woke up, he gave her warm milk...because from me she did not accept it and always was asking for a breast, then at day we were trying to distract her a lot, it was really hard for me when I stayed alone with her, and she was asking for a breast and was upset, but I managed not to give up...so next couple of weeks my partner was putting her for sleep and then at day time she asked occasionally for a breast but I had to distract her and offer something else...
At this point we started to give her a milk, and she loved it and still drinks it couple of time a day
Cold turkey is going to suck for the both of you tbh. I started with not nursing at naptime and only nursing at bedtime for a week. Then once she was able to fall asleep for naps without it, I stopped at night. (At this point she ate mostly solids and only nursed to sleep). Also a good reminder is that whatever you're doing to put baby to sleep (once you stop nursing, ex: rocking, singing, butt pats), you have to do continuously for at least 5 minutes for it to work. Don't change it up, sing the same song, pat the same rhythm, rock the same pace. Keep the lights off, try not to be on your phone because the screen stimulates their brain. I hope this helps!!! Good luck mama 🫶🏻