Who's told you that your overfeeding her? A doctor? I honestly didn't think you can overfeed a new born. Just follow thier cues when they are hungry? My LO has food every hour sometimes! You aren't failing though, we are ALL winging it! I think its baiscally trail and error on everything until you find the thing that works!
@Robyn the doctor last night. He said it's quite common apparently - this has caused colic. I just feel awful because she wakes every 2 hours for a feed and we are already struggling with this new routine. He said we HAVE to stick to 90 mL every 3 hours then review with the GP next week. But she woke up for her feed and we had to sooth her for a whole 45 minutes.
babies go through leaps and growth spurts as they grow and when they’re cluster feeding it’s common for them to constantly eat especially if you’re feeding on demand.. it also could just be trapped gas, i remember my little one having discomfort cause of it but he hasn’t had it ever since.. never really heard a doctor say you’re overfeeding a newborn
I agree to follow her lead. It sounds like she had trapped gas. With our babies we had to keep them upright after feeding and pretty much to sleep. We took turns being awake to hold them upright to sleep for almost 6 months because of awful reflux. Gerber probiotic drops helped a bit. But other burping techniques may also give some relief from her gas pain. There's things we do that may not be best option as we learn what is for our little ones. You're trying and care. Keep doing that- it's good parenting.
I honestly don’t think you’ve over fed, if you have they will sick it back up… in my opinion it’s better to feed if your not sure then it is not to feed and your baby be hungry. I also feel unsupported aswell with baby not latching, I’ve been exclusively pumping for 4 and half months now and it’s not easy, I was so uneducated and I’ve never had a full supply it’s draining… there’s no many things I should of done but didn’t because I just didn’t know
But yes trap gas could be the cause… Google pace feeding this really helped my baby and then also I came across this video and it worked so well for my baby for burping https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGdAJDDpR/
@Sharna this feels reassuring that someone else has been in my position. It's draining to express all the time and it takes over your life. But being unsupported, and not being educated makes me feel stupid and like everyone is judging me. Like I went to the hospital and got the: "oh is this your first - hmmm" It made me feel like I over reacted, even though my baby was screaming in pain for more than 2 hours
I feel like I’m too far deep to give up, I make 600/700ml a day max which just over half of his daily amount, it’s sad I can’t do more… but in the hospital after I couldn’t get him to latch and him losing weight etc I choose to exclusively pump so I could see how much he was eating and I chose to stay that way for my own mental health and I feel when they knew I no longer wanted him to latch they stopped helping me… it’s such a shame and it’s way harder than I ever expected. Your not stupid I just think the lack of support is just a let down
don’t get discourage mama we all make mistakes as we’re not perfect.. never think i’m doing it right as babies loving switching up on us first timers even for the veteran mamas you both are still learning and adjusting though it will get easier once you both get in the groove of things just keep pushing and enjoy each moment as they won’t always last forever.. you got this mama no matter what your little one will always feel everything you do and say is right even if you feel or think it’s wrong 🤍 just know you’re doing wonderful!