I miss how life was before baby

Don't get me wrong, I love my baby more than life itself and am in awe of her every day. But I really miss how my life was before she got here. I miss how my relationship was with my partner (we're working great as a team now, but I'm meaning the spontaneity that comes with having free time together!), I miss my job that I worked so hard to do well in, I miss feeling happy and confident in my own skin. I was never a person to cry but now hormones seem to rule every thought I have and this usually results in floods of tears, even 4 weeks pp. And I'm just sick of being so tired 😅  She wasn't a planned baby but we were both very excited when we found out about her. But I feel like I didn't make time during pregnancy to really get my head round it all so I'm now in autopilot/survival mode, and it almost feels like being in shock whilst trying to keep this little precious baby alive. I don't feel like I'm depressed, I just have frequent thoughts of wishing things were how they used to be. I'm looking forward to establishing a new normal where I feel as happy about life as I did before! Anyone else feeling like this?
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I feel you completely. I was looking at my old videos and pictures the other day mourning the life I’d lost and the person I was. Now as a mum, looking back at myself then, im so grateful to now be a mum, my little girl literally saved me. I don’t feel like im depressed either but I’ve definitely started to embrace my new life, at 2 months old there’s not much we can do but come summer time, life will properly start. play dates and days out, I cannot wait 🫶🏻🫶🏻

I don't think that feeling ever really goes away, but you do learn to love your new life. I've got 2 under 2. 16 month old and newborn. X

I'm with you in all of those feelings. My baby wasn't expected either, and we did talk about termination, but I'm so glad he's here now. I wasn't with my partner for long before I got pregnant, and I had only been in my job a few months. I do miss my life before him, and some days I have grieved for the life I could have had, and I cry so much over everything including my guilt for feeling like that. But then I hold him in my arms, and I just love him so much. I even got my first proper smile this morning which just made all of it worth it. It will pass with time, we will get through it. There are so many adventures ahead and so many memories to be made! Sending hugs x

I get this 100% this is exactly how I felt with my first born you grieve your old life and independence you don’t realise how much life changes with a baby. In time you’ll get use to your new normal but you’ll still look back and think how easy life was before. I was so scared I’d feel similar after my second grieving the simplicity of just one child but I’ve not felt that at all my second has just slotted right into our family life and postpartum experience has been completely different for the better as I’m not grieving my old life anymore in fact I’m probably embracing motherhood even more and loving it.

Its completely normal to miss the old person/people you were. My son is 3 next week and I have a 7wk old but I sometimes still drift into a mode of thinking about my days I lived alone, was single and just doing anything I wanted when I wanted... that was 5yrs ago! But then I get a smile off my kids or a laugh and I realise how lucky I am when so many aren't. It'll creep up on you but then go again. It's normal. And having a child doesn't mean you have to stop everything. Last year me, partner and son (I was pregnant) had a weekend or night away every month...camping, a cruise, stayed in middle of nowhere and loads of days out. 😀 it's just about survivung these first 12-16wks and it's alot easier.

Hormones are wild, with my first I spent a week in the hospital and I couldn't even remember my life before baby but I knew I missed it. It's much easier with my second because I know what fun is to come and that gets me through but I still have times where I ask my husband what have we done, we were so so happy with our eldest, life was great, our relationship was so good. But, we know that the fun to come will be worth it x

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