GWH induction

I’m being induced at GWH tomorrow. I know I can pay for a side room postnatally, but does anyone know if this is an option for the induction as well? I really don’t want to be stuck in a bay!
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As far as I know yes. However I didn’t pay for a room but was lucky enough to have my own room for the induction process and then after birth too but I know this isn’t the case for everyone x

we stayed in a private room from when I was being induced last week! they are so much better xx

Yeah you can as long as there is one free, you get it from the start of induction all the way to discharge

You can probably request it tbf I didn’t pay for my room postnatal as my son was on SCBU and I got a private room so I wasn’t surrounded by babies when I didn’t have mine with me 🥲 Definitely ask about it, they’re extremely private and it’s so nice having your own space! Best of luck 💕

I think most hospitals have private rooms for induction xx

I was induced at Swindon and during the induction process I had my own room (free) until I went to the delivery suit to have waters broken. I was given a time to come once they had spare beds but after birth I did go onto a ward with other mums as there wasn’t any spare rooms xx

I was induced and I was in the bay with other mums until it was time for the baby to come and then I went to the delivery room x

yes you can, we did when we went in to be induced however they had no spare room until i had given birth!! x

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