@Ariyana My friend had parked their vehicle in my driveway and had someone else pick her up and bring her home due to being under the influence and not wanting to drive. And she came and picked it up there was no issues it's been about a week since then, and she called me today saying that something happened to the vehicle and saying that it was my fault even though I have no idea what happened to it I didn't see what happened to it no one on my street supposedly knows what happened either. She claims that something must have happened to it while it was in my driveway whether it was me or something else, she stated that it's been in her garage since she picked it up and she just noticed it supposedly
wtf shes acting pretty sus
You need to ask all the details. & they need to tell you what’s exactly wrong with the car don’t pay them a dime. If you know you didn’t do anything definitely don’t pay them shit. Explain to them everything you just said. I’m so sorry you’re going through this I’ve been falsely accused too.
What are the damages? You said you don’t have a vehicle so how would you have had anything to do with it? Stand your ground
Nothing happened in that driveway and I’m sure they know it. If there’s no known damage on the outside of the vehicle why tf are they accusing you? It probably has something to do with the interior
It sounds like a tactic for them to have some extra cash in their pocket
@Ariyana they said that the back bumper was dented the back side on the bed of the truck on the driver side was done to and they said that both tail lights were smash in. She's saying that I took the vehicle out without asking which I didn't. I'm just at a loss
@Deena they said that the back bumper was dented the back side on the bed of the truck on the driver side was done to and they said that both tail lights were smash in. She's saying that I took the vehicle out without asking which I didn't. Idk I'm just so overwhelmed with it
@Victoria~ Right?
Ask them for pictures of everything. I would take it to court before I’d pay them anything.
How tf would they not have noticed two smashed lights, a dented bumper, and a dented truck bed until a week later?! That sounds like bs
Weird that she is jumping to the conclusion that it is your fault and demanding money when it sounds more likely someone could’ve hit the car from the street if all the damage was in the back and it was parked in your driveway? And also weird she didn’t notice it at first and took her til a week later??? Like what
They don’t sound like friends :(
@Ariyana I'm trying to avoid court as much as possible. My husband is currently deployed and I'm at home by myself with my son with no one to watch him or anything. I don't know if I should just block them, or what. I'm nervous that they're going to try and come after me I guess
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I was scared about that as well. I would just block them & see where it goes. You don’t need people like that in your life
If it’s any reassurance, I think they are just trying to intimidate and pressure you into caving. I don’t think they will take you to court and if they did it would be laughable. You have records of her not contacting you for a whole week. It’s just not plausible you would ever be found at fault, she would have to somehow make sense of the fact she didn’t notice not only right away but within that week which had nothing to do with you, not to mention needing proof that it was you, which she wouldn’t have
Had she already been drinking when she dropped it off? Did she wreck it herself!? Ditch the evidence at your place then pick it up & play dumb..
@Anon she wasn't drinking prior to, but I have no idea when the damage was done, if it was done prior to and she's trying to play it off like it happened at my place or if it happened after it was at my place and she's just trying to blame it on me
Are you in the uk?
@Naomi no I'm in NY
Oh I was going to say let their insurance sort it. Doesn’t matter if you don’t have insurance. But may be different to over here
Definitely Sounds shady to me like why would she bring it up a week later . Maybe she’s trying to push it on you because she can’t afford her own car maintenance and bills . People play mind games I wouldn’t be surprised
Do any neighbors have ring cameras . Ask around maybe someone has a good view of your drive way
She hasn’t provided any proof, I would ignore it. She can file a claim through her own insurance. Even if she took you to court, she would have to prove her case.
Any update op?
Why are they blaming you?